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VCMS red kettle drive.
VCMS bell-ringers at Tops

Students from Veronica Connor Middle School, plus a special guest from Kaegebein Elementary School, ring the bell for The Salvation Army's red kettle drive at Grand Island Tops.

The cast of the Connor Middle School production of %22Finding Nemo Jr.%22 takes a bow after the last performance of the middle school musical.
Finding Nemo Jr.'
The cast of the Connor Middle School production of "Finding Nemo Jr." takes a bow after the last performance of the middle school musical.
Assemblyman Morinello Reading Challenge winners
Assemblyman Morinello Reading Challenge
Connor Middle School volunteers were shopping on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation during the holidays at Tops Market.
Shopping for the Neighbors Foundation

Connor Middle School volunteers were shopping on behalf of the Neighbors Foundation during the holidays.

Students deorated Carrie Gordon's door in the middle school.
VCMS holiday door decorating

"Elves" decorated Carrie Gordon's door in the middle school during the holidays.

Bounce house at VCMS Family Fun Night.
Family Fun Night

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